This course will give you the basic keys to understanding poetry and poetic writing. We will build on the reading and analysis of contemporary reference poets, while discovering our own voice, its rhythm, structure, way of creating and saying.

To do this, we will practice on a poem from day one: how to look at a blank page, how to find the right form to express meaning, how to let the text rest and then rewrite it, and finally we will be able to do the intense work of language that is a poem. The training will be completed by writing your own texts, so that during the process and from the relevant theoretical framework you can find your own voice.

This course will alternate weekly between writing prompts and reading prompts, followed by commentary and analysis. Finally, twice a month, during a day and on a schedule that works best for most students, a virtual chat will be convened (in a private chat room) to comment on the lessons or to review some aspects that are questionable.

The program

  • The need for a workshop
  • The poetics of reference: Neruda and Vallejo
  • The rhythm of poetry
  • The poetics of exile: Federico García Lorca
  • Stanza.
  • Reference poetics: Antonio Gamoneda
  • Poem.
  • Poetics of reference: José Ángel Valente
  • Rhetorical figures
  • The poetics of exile: Alejandra Pizarnik and Nicarnor Parra
  • Literary figures: metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche
  • The poetics of reference: Chantal Maillard
  • Some concepts of poetic theory
  • The text as a structure
  • Inspiration and work.
  • What to write
  • Poetic tension and image
  • Publication of our poems.